Upper Scioto Valley School District News Article

2nd Annual USV Performing Arts Boosters Spring Craft and Vendor Show

The 2nd Annual USV Performing Arts Boosters Spring Craft and Vendor Show.

Saturday,  March 30th 
9 AM - 4 PM
at USV High School in McGuffey,  Ohio.

This is an all indoor event,  so weather will not be an issue.

The RAM Cafe will be open for you to purchase a snack or meal.  We will have a 50/50 Raffle and a number of Basket Raffles provided by local & surrounding businesses. Plus there will be performances by the USV Performing Arts students.

To register as a vendor, please email :

Please mark your calendars & plan to attend.  All proceeds from this event will go to support the Band, Choir, Drama & elementary music programs at USV.

Please help us get the word out by Tagging people and Sharing this post.

We look forward to seeing you in March!!

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